**************************** Examples **************************** A basic program that uses ``python-dogecoin`` looks like this: First, import the library and exceptions. :: import dogecoinrpc from dogecoinrpc.exceptions import InsufficientFunds Then, we connect to the currently running ``dogecoin`` instance of the current user on the local machine with one call to :func:`~dogecoinrpc.connect_to_local`. This returns a :class:`~dogecoinrpc.connection.DogecoinConnection` objects: :: conn = dogecoinrpc.connect_to_local() Try to move one dogecoin from account ``testaccount`` to account ``testaccount2`` using :func:`~dogecoinrpc.connection.DogecoinConnection.move`. Catch the :class:`~dogecoinrpc.exceptions.InsufficientFunds` exception in the case the originating account is broke: :: try: conn.move("testaccount", "testaccount2", 1.0) except InsufficientFunds,e: print "Account does not have enough funds available!" Retrieve general server information with :func:`~dogecoinrpc.connection.DogecoinConnection.getinfo` and print some statistics: :: info = conn.getinfo() print "Blocks: %i" % info.blocks print "Connections: %i" % info.connections print "Difficulty: %f" % info.difficulty