**************************** Introduction **************************** The goal of this library is to make it easier for: - Payment gateways to support dogecoin - Merchant sites to integrate dogecoin payments directly - Other services that require (micro-)payments to use dogecoin In this initial release it implements a thin wrapper around the Dogecoin JSON-RPC API. Using this API from Python directly is conceptually very simple, here is the example from the API documentation page: :: from jsonrpc import ServiceProxy access = ServiceProxy("http://user:password@") access.getinfo() access.listreceivedbyaddress(6) access.sendtoaddress("11yEmxiMso2RsFVfBcCa616npBvGgxiBX", 10) However, this approach has some disadvantages, one thing is that error handling is complex, as it requires manually checking the contents of :const:`JSONException` objects. ``dogecoin-python`` attempts to create an even more friendly interface by wrapping the JSON-RPC API. The major advantages compared to a raw ``jsonrpc`` based approach are: - Better exception handling. Exceptions are converted to subclasses of :class:`~dogecoinrpc.exceptions.DogecoinException`. - Automatic dogecoin configuration loading. In case the ``dogecoin -server`` or ``dogecoind`` program runs on the same machine as the client script, and as the same user, the configuration file can automatically be parsed. This makes it unneccesary to explicitly specify a *username* and *password*. Of course, this is still possible. - Documentation in Pythonish format. You are reading this right now. - The functions :func:`~dogecoinrpc.connection.DogecoinConnection.getinfo`, :func:`~dogecoinrpc.connection.DogecoinConnection.listreceivedbyaccount`, :func:`~dogecoinrpc.connection.DogecoinConnection.listreceivedbyaddress`, :func:`~dogecoinrpc.connection.DogecoinConnection.listtransactions` and more return actual Python objects, instead of simply dictionaries. This makes for cleaner code, as the fields can simply be addressed with ``x.foo`` instead of ``x['foo']``. The plan for future releases is to add a more high-level interface on top of this.