A basic program that uses python-dogecoin looks like this:
First, import the library and exceptions.
import dogecoinrpc
from dogecoinrpc.exceptions import InsufficientFunds
Then, we connect to the currently running dogecoin instance of the current user on the local machine with one call to connect_to_local(). This returns a DogecoinConnection objects:
conn = dogecoinrpc.connect_to_local()
Try to move one dogecoin from account testaccount to account testaccount2 using move(). Catch the InsufficientFunds exception in the case the originating account is broke:
conn.move("testaccount", "testaccount2", 1.0)
except InsufficientFunds,e:
print "Account does not have enough funds available!"
Retrieve general server information with getinfo() and print some statistics:
info = conn.getinfo()
print "Blocks: %i" % info.blocks
print "Connections: %i" % info.connections
print "Difficulty: %f" % info.difficulty