See also the `main dogecoin documentation`_ for details and background on setting up and using dogecoind remotely.
If you run Dogecoin with the -server argument, or if you run dogecoind, it can be controlled either by sending it HTTP-JSON-RPC commands.
However, beginning with Dogecoin 0.3.3 you must create a dogecoin.conf file in the Dogecoin data directory (default $HOME/.dogeconf) and set an RPC password:
Once that is done, the easiest way to check whether Dogecoin accepts remote commands is by running Dogecoin again, with the command (and any parameters) as arguments. For example:
$ dogecoind getinfo
There are two functions for this:
Use the function connect_to_local(). This automagically sorts out the connection to a dogecoin process running on the current machine, for the current user.
conn = dogecoinrpc.connect_to_local()
Use the function connect_to_remote(). For this function it is neccesary to explicitly specify a hostname and port to connect to, and to provide user credentials for logging in.
conn = dogecoinrpc.connect_to_remote('foo', 'bar', host='', port=8332)
For basic sending and receiving of payments, the four most important methods are
Use the method getbalance() to get the current server balance.
print "Your balance is %f" % (conn.getbalance(),)
This can be done with the method validateaddress().
rv = conn.validateaddress(foo)
if rv.isvalid:
print "The address that you provided is valid"
print "The address that you provided is invalid, please correct"
The method sendtoaddress() sends a specified amount of coins to a specified address.
conn.sendtoaddress("msTGAm1ApjEJfsWfAaRVaZHRm26mv5GL73", 20.0)
To accept payments, use the method getnewaddress() to generate a new address. Give this address to the customer and store it in a safe place, to be able to check when the payment to this address has been made.
pay_to = conn.getnewaddress()
print "We will ship the pirate sandwidth after payment of 200 coins to ", pay_to
The method getreceivedbyaddress() returns how many dogecoins have been received at a certain address. Together with the previous function, this can be used to check whether a payment has been made by the customer.
amount = conn.getreceivedbyaddress(pay_to)
if amount > 200.0:
print "Thanks, your sandwidth will be prepared and shipped."
More advanced usage of dogecoin allows multiple accounts within one wallet. This can be useful if you are writing software for a bank, or simply want to have a clear separation between customers payments.
For this, see the Account API documentation.